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Andrew Gault ‘Belonging’

Andrew Gault ‘Belonging’

November 15, 2022

Preview: Sat 19 Nov 2022, 2 - 4pm

Runs until: Wed 21 Dec 2022

We are pleased to invite you to the preview of Andrew Gault’s solo exhibition ‘Belonging’ at ISLAND Arts Centre.

About the exhibition:

Andrew Gault is an architect and landscape painter.

He paints Irish and Scottish landscapes capturing the interplay between water, land and weather, and conveying the vast forms and structures of these places around our coasts and along our rivers.

His paintings are in private collections in Ireland, England, Scotland, America and Australia.

‘This new exhibition ‘Belonging’ continues an exploration into how landscape holds our emotions and how these differ because of our own experiences and culture, marks are made layer by layer, each with its meaning partially obscured by the next, just as each generation is with time obscured by those who come after.

Space and Place are crucial regulators of our being, architects already know that, most of us aspire to create at least one of them.

Place is differentiated from Space: Space is abstract, featureless, indefinite, yet Place is lived in, carries connotations of familiarity, stability, attachment, nostalgia, and ideology, it has a distinctly moral element, containing as it does notions of belonging and for each of us our rightful place in this world, Place, implies borders.

So … when you look at my paintings you see the marks I’ve made, but, it’s you who will define the work based on your culture, not mine, it is you who will define the space as place with your morality and your tradition, perhaps you will see essential images of a continuous, unified Irish culture … or ... as depictions of a settled homeland founded to preserve your Ulster Scots identity. Conversely you might just see a white house in a dark moonlit night in January.’