Celebrate Ulstèr-Scotch Leid Week (Ulster-Scots Language Week) running 23-27 Nov 2020 with ISLAND Arts
November 13, 2020
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council has partnered with the Ulster-Scots Community Network and Ulster-Scots Agency to raise awareness of our shared linguistic heritage of the Ulster-Scots language through a programme of cultural activities to support people, not only to engage with the language but also to recognise its intrinsic value in terms of enhancing our sense of self and place. Read the full programme in this week’s ISLAND Arts’ eZine by clicking this link HERE.
To find out how to get involved, simply subscribe to ISLAND Arts’ social media channels below, for the latest festival updates.
As always, take care of yourself and each other.
Your Virtual ISLAND Arts Team.
#ulsterscotchleidweek #ulsterscotslanguageweek.