Council launches Community Sprit Grant Scheme
August 3, 2020
Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council has launched a new funding scheme which is available to community, voluntary and faith-based organisations in recognition of their outstanding community work during COVID-19.
The Community Spirit Grant Aid Programme provides an opportunity for organisations to recognise the incredible work of local communities over recent months. The scheme aims to promote positive mental health and wellbeing, celebrate community volunteers and their achievements, reduce social isolation and promote community spirit.
Applicants can apply for funding of up £500 by demonstrating how their proposal responds to these key themes. All proposals must demonstrate that activities are in line with the most recent government guidance for Covid-19.
Launching the ‘Community Spirit Grant Aid Programme’, Chairman of the Council’s Leisure and Community Development Committee, Alderman Michael Henderson MBE said:
“We are delighted to offer local communities the opportunity to benefit from this scheme. The Community Spirit Grant Programme aims to recognise the efforts of local groups and volunteers who delivered immediate and practical support over the past few months.
“The Coronavirus pandemic presented additional challenges for some of our most vulnerable people. We have seen outstanding levels of community spirit in the Lisburn Castlereagh area. Those shielding at home, either alone or with family received incredible community support that enabled them to stay safe.
This funding is available to recognise and thank local heroes who stepped up during the height of the pandemic. I would encourage as many eligible community and voluntary groups in the council area to apply.”
The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is Monday 17th August 2020 at 4.00pm.
Application form and guidance notes are available below.
Click here for Application Guidelines
Click here for Application Form
Please email all completed and signed application forms to Lesley Wilson lesley.wilson@lisburncastlereagh.gov.uk.
For further information or queries please contact Lesley on 028 9244 7713.