ISLAND Arts’ ‘Poem a Day’ Seachtain na Gaeilge / Irish Language Week Festival
March 9, 2021
Funded by Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council’s Good Relations Programme, ISLAND Arts has partnered with ‘Seachtain na Gaeilge 2021,’ to showcase Irish Language Week. This annual, international festival aims to raise awareness of the linguistic heritage of the Irish language through a programme of cultural activities for everyone, from 1 - 17 March.
From Wed 10 - Tues 16 Mar at 9am each day, ISLAND Arts will feature favourite poems spoken in Irish, delivered by members of our local community via ISLAND Arts’ social media platforms below. English and Irish Translations of the poems can be accessed via the links below.
In the meantime, make sure to subscribe to ISLAND Arts’ social media channels and use the hashtag #SnaG21, for the latest festival updates!
‘Dóchas’ le Séamus Ó hAodha..
‘Faoiseamh A Gheobhadsa’ le Máirtín Ó Díreáin
Cnag ar an doras
Humptaí Dumptaí
Filleadh ar an gCathair
Leictreachas Statach
Caoineadh na hAislinge
Teidí Beag Álainn
Téir Abhaile Riú
A haon, a dó, a trí...
#SnaG21 #ISLANDArts #gaelic #gaeilge #focail #focal #irishlanguage #learnirish #irishwords