ISLAND Good News!
February 18, 2020
We were delighted to see that the recipient of our Young Artist of the Year Award 2019, Rachel Moore, put her award to fantastic use by visiting London Fashion Week 2020 as part of her development in the designer world!
As Rachel described the experience, “winning Young Artist of the Year 2019, has given me the most amazing opportunities I would have never received if I hadn’t applied. I really recommend all young artists and designers out there to apply! We need to appreciate this support given by our local council as young designers in Northern Ireland.
During my visit to London I planned to gain as much research as possible for my final year collection for university. I want to go back with many ideas and knowledge of new trends. I visited V&A, Tates Modern, and the Fashion Textile Museum for this. My ticket to a London fashion week included a designer talk with Tommy Hilfiger and Lewis Hamilton, this was such a surprise and I can’t believe I got hear first hand about their collections and tips as designers.
I’m so lucky to still have an up and coming trip to Paris, the fashion capital of the world. There I am to see many textile and fashion exhibitions to further aid my development as a designer. Once again thank you ISLAND Arts Centre for helping me achieve one of my goals as a designer!”
We are absolutely thrilled to have been able to support Rachel through the award and look forward to seeing how wonderfully she will inevitably get on with her career in fashion!
We will be announcing the 2020 winner of the Young Artist of the Year Award very soon, so watch this space!
LCCC invited applications from young people aged 16 - 25 years for a financial award of up to £1000 to support arts projects, residencies or approved study, over and above full time second or third level education. All art forms are eligible for the award, it may also cover the purchase of specialised equipment/materials or to cover travel and attendance at arts events outside of Northern Ireland. More information on our funding opportunities can be found here.
Applications for Young Artist of the Year Award 2020 are now closed.
For further information on the award please contact Assistant Community Arts Officer Lynda McCord at:
028 92 447503