Join ISLAND Arts as we showcase Seachtain na Gaeilge (Irish Language Week), running to 17 Mar 2021
March 4, 2021
ISLAND Arts has partnered with #SeachtainNaGaeilge /# Irish language week, to bring you an online programme activities & events running to 17 Mar, that aims to raise awareness of the linguistic heritage of the Irish language.
Check out the festival highlights by clicking here https://arts-mail.co.uk/.../245T-79V2B…/cr.aspx
Make sure to subscribe to ISLAND Arts’ social media channels below, follow the hashtag #SnaG21, or visit www.ISLANDArtsCentre.com for the latest festival events.
The listed events are funded by Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council’s Good Relations Programme
#SnaG21 #SnaG2021 #Snag #gaelic #gaeilge #focail #focal #irishlanguage #seachtainnagaeilge #snagaeilge