Long Covid Kids ‘I am still here’
December 1, 2022
’‘I am Still Here’ - Long Covid Kids
Our Community Arts Walkway exhibition titled ‘I am still here- giving a voice to Long Covid Kids’ displays a collection of artworks to raise awareness of the long-term debilitating effect COVID-19 on young people, which is now on view until 28 January 2023.
Raising awareness of the symptoms of Long Covid and related illnesses in children to increase understanding, aid early diagnosis and improve response and intervention.
Connecting and supporting children living with Long Covid and the parents and caregivers that look after them in the UK and internationally.
Funding and participating in global research to investigate health implications, improve the lived experience and enable recovery.
Representing children living with Long Covid in expert forums, research panels, health organisations & parliamentary groups. Campaigning to mitigate the risk of SARS_CoV_2 infection & place wellbeing at the heart of education.
Rosie Pidgeon has had Long Covid for 15 Months. This exhibition is the result of her struggles at school. Some of the pieces started life as work for her AS level in Art. It became clear that she could not continue at school (although she did get a B in her AS) because she can no longer read or write easily. Rosie is now at Belfast Met doing an Art and Design BTEC. This exhibition with other young people from the Long Covid Kids support group is to raise awareness of this complex and debilitating condition. People do not believe that children can be harmed by Covid (over 100 have died) or get Long Covid. Rosie often feels like the illness has made her fade from view, which has prompted her to say
“I Am Still Here”.