The Royal Ulster Academy of Arts - 139th Annual Exhibitions
July 20, 2020
Royal Ulster Academy of Arts
139th RUA Annual Exhibition
Call for Submissions
Founded in 1879, the Royal Ulster Academy of Arts is the largest and longest established body of practising visual artists in Northern Ireland. One of its founding principles is to organise, promote or join in organising and promoting in any fashion an Annual Exhibition of work by both members and non–members. Due to current Coronavirus Covid-19 Lockdown restrictions the RUA cannot guarantee that an exhibition will take place at the Ulster Museum in 2020. However, planning is still going ahead, keeping within Government guidelines, but on a reduced scale so that “Social Distancing” can be maintained in an open gallery space. If it is not possible to hold a physical exhibition this year, then it may be possible to create a virtual exhibition from members and non-members selected works.
Entry Deadline: 31 July 2020 4pm View Entry Requirements